Supply Message Service

Distribution of emergency supplies during a disaster can be chaotic and challenging. Supply Message Service is a platform that helps aid workers communicate and distribute emergency supplies more efficiently - based on people’s needs and location through SMS mobile requests. It provides up to date information and communicate to distribution channels what type of supplies will be needed and where.
How it works (See sketched scenario)
People text what they need (Water, Food, etc) to a designated number. The data is then communicated and visualized onto a virtual map to inform distribution channels. As transportation becomes available, they distribute these supplies to the impacted regions.
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Thanks for the feedback, Fernando. We've now updated it to focus more on providing a proper distribution platform using SMS.
hace 10 años
Hi Fernando! Thanks for the comment and for letting us know that Chile will soon implement a similar program. The main differentiating factor we were intending that it is a two way response on locating victims and providing emergency supplies. We will iterate on this idea further to come up with a stronger case. ¡muchas gracias
hace 10 años
Hola! Como tu idea se diferencia del Sistema de Alarma Temprana que usa EEUU y Japón hace mas de 10 años y que este año será implementado en Chile con el nombre de Sistema de Alerta de Emergencia?
hace 10 años

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Soluciones que entreguen una respuesta rápida frente a las necesidades básicas y humanitarias producidas por una emergencia o catástrofe

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